Saturday, April 01, 2006


It all began with a trip to the doctor...

"Doc, judging by the grim look on your face, I know what you are obliged to tell me after reading that report, will almost certainly deprive me of many a night's sleep. I have known, for a long time now, that what ails me is not anything ordinary. Before you must tell me what you found, which ultimately will seal my fate for the rest of my very numbered days, I must instill a great sense of doctor-patient confidentiality, and beg of you to refrain from divulging any information, that I may explicitly request of you, to my parents for I love and cherish them more than anything on God's creation and cannot bear knowledge of their grievances on my behalf. Life is not fair for me, neither is it for any other mortal fool to have been born. So much left unsaid and undone, so many aspirations left unattended, so much greatness which I hoped to achieve, and they all will have to go into the dust as will my bones. I fear I no longer have to time to go around at a leisurely pace, so pray tell me what I have and how much time I have left before I meet this imminent doom?!?"

And the doc calmly replies "Well, the report merely suggests that you have the common cold. As for my appearance, last night my wife caught me in bed frolicking with this young nymphet I picked up at the bar, not quite your age she was. When the wife walked in, we were embraced in the most intimate fashion..."

[End of Dream]

Man, I gotta get myself new doctor in slumberland.


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