Tuesday, December 05, 2006

An Ideally Elusive Blog

Not a lot of people know about this blog, and even the ones who know, would've probably forgotten all about it by now. And you know what? I am perfectly comfortable with that... that my blog, my very first blog has fallen into the vast unknowns of oblivion. To be perfectly honest about it, I myself had forgotten that this existed for a very long time, until a few nights ago when I thought that it would be a cool idea to note down my 'personal' ideas, thoughts, notions, criticisms on stuff that I deem important. This is gonna help me to remind myself of those things I was obsessed with, albeit momentarily, in my bleak and seemingly endless life. Now I must think about what to write ... for now. I have lived in this miserable heck-hole of a planet called Earth for more than 20 years now and I've never had a single moment that I would like to cherish for more than 20 seconds... and since I am not the exact outgoing type, I don't have a lot to write about with regard to adventure either. So its just going to have to be stuff that I see and read, about this miserable world that I share with six billion other idiots.

Wait... I think I discounted the remote possibility that someone else (with bloodshot eyes) migh've stumbled upon this idiocy. Well, in defense of my sanity, all I can say is that "you are fucking stupid for reading shit shit, you stupid fucking moron. I hope you fucking choke on your own dick and die". Yeah, thats right. This blog is not intended for minors or anybody who does not like the F word, or the S word or the fucking A-word. Hehe.

Nah, I am just kidding. I don't swear much. And when I do, that is only with close friends and in quarrels with God. Yeah, yeah... I know, He doesn't argues back, partly because He never answers questions or prayers. But you know... my screw is a bit lose so what?

A lot of rant for my 'first' entry but like you already guessed, nothing remotely substantial. Damn, this blogger-shit doesn't automatically check for spelling. In a way its a good thing to be able to find spelling mistakes and typical typos in one's writings. It gives a human character to it. After all, humans are born flawed. Some of us are just more flawed than the rest of us.

Well, its really time to end my little verbal diarrhea streak, girls and boys (the imaginary type). So goodbye and good luck and try not to fuck up your lives. Peace Out!

[Note: Take a look at Laeticia Casta, my favorite French model/chick. She is really hot on the body department but when she smiles... err ... she kinda looks like the Sea Hag. Anyway, I am just posting her because I've never posted a picture before.]


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