Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Divine Rump

Its human nature to venerate a divine entity (a divinity) one way or another. This has probably been true for every civilization that graced the Earth. I come from a predominantly Moslem country and I've noticed that most of us venerate God (the One God) to impossible limits. Questions about His nature, will or even existence are generally frowned upon and if you are not careful, you might even wind up being either persecuted or labelled an apostate/heretic (the penalty for the latter is death according to the scripture, I am told). I am sure a lot of people suppress questions pertaining to Him, as blind faith seems to be our answer to every religious affair we ever bothered to deal with.

By writing about such matters I don't beg to differ, but I don't believe that certain questions (sensitive and controversial they may be) should be conveniently swept under the rug. I am told we cannot contemplate certain things that I've discussed or questioned about, but this is a ridiculous notion. Brian Greene (in his PBS TV Show The Elegant Universe) demonstrates the futility of explaining Theoretical Physics to a dog. The dog didn't understand a single character he was writing on the chalkboard, simply because its primitive brain didn't know what the character resembled, which is probably because it was incapable of understanding the related symbology. We are different, not only do we understand quantum and theoretical physics, but we CAN also understand a lot about God. Things we cannot understand, shouldn't, as I believe, even cross our minds just like that dog doesn't wonder about the existence of the Lambda or the Delta. In case the dog does in deed wonder about those things, err... I'll stop asking questions as soon as anyone proves it.

Well, now that we have that behind us, I can finally get to the real reason behind posting today. We were taught in some ancient grade school (religion) class that God, in His infinite impeccability, does not have any embodiment (or character) that reminisces with anything in creation. We were also told that defining him with such mortal characteristics is a grave sin. Now I haven't asked a scholar on the validity of such claims but I am pretty sure that this is the universal islamic belief, since we aren't allowed to graphically depicts Him (squiggly lines of His name is OK though - see Arabic Calligraphy). Now I don't believe religious stuff that contradicts the other stuff (unlike poor Ned) so I am out to prove that God indeed does have a body, one that is akin to a quadruped (not limiting it to just humans) and my assumptions are based on religious dogmas (not subjecting their veracity) that I have been taught over the years.

On the day of Judgment, humanity in its entirey would be assembled on the judgment grounds and while they are awaiting their verdict (eternal bliss or damnation) they are subjected to the immense heat of a sun which is placed strategically over their heads, barely making contact. (Note that the surface temperature of our sun, Sol, is around 6,000 °C, and it isn't even a gass giant, so God would have to modify our skin to resist melting away -- in hindsight, kinda meaningless huh?). Those who were pious throughout their lives would be assembled closer to the divine throne, which would shade them from the blistering sun just a few inches away from the exposed heads(?). Now the contradictions inherent to this prediction of ultimate human fate aside, we are told that God has a throne. If He has to have a throne, its natural that we assume He sits on it. By doing that, we also have to assume He has a posterior. To further add more detail to this, the prophet Muhammad accounts sitting right next to God during his ascension into Heaven while he was still alive. So there it is, God does in deed have features similar to that of creation, only in its most immaculate form. (I can dig that). That is unless we take the Omnipotent Paradox into account; that He can do things which limits his own omnipotence (the ability to do anything).

Now let me make it perfectly clear... I don't have anything against the Almighty, and my most fundemental belief is that He exists, and he retains ultimate power (omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience) over existence and beyond. I just have a lot of qualms with religion (though I believe its the only one that is anywhere near the real deal) and these silly arguments arise from my deepest desire to resolve them. :)
(Graphic depiction is that of the Christian God. They are all different from one another right? Right?!)


Blogger Simon said...

Good observation. And you can almost imagine me whispering that under some other dubious sentence.

7:26 PM, December 22, 2006  
Blogger f1x4n said...

You are more than welcome to do just that, Simon. Just make sure you don't whisper it to a guy who looks like a 6th century A.D. Arab Normad, who I imagine would subsequently want to take a look at your entrails.

7:42 AM, December 24, 2006  

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