Thursday, December 21, 2006

Holy Human Misery

For as long as I remember, I have harboured an inexplicably deep resentment towards organized religion. My dislike was not as strong as it is now, not in the beginning. I use to pray five times a day and read from the good book at least once every week (I don't do neither of that now, not because I think they are meaningless occupation of one's valuable time, but because I am just too lazy to worry about the hellfire which is to greet me in the afterlife, as I am told by the likes of my grandmother). I suppose back then, I just found too restrictive, dictating the simple joys of life such as indulgence in music (a brother of a friend, who is a bearded mullah, denounces all form of art, including film and music. The freak won't even allow his infant to be photographed or play with soft toys or kids or even go to preschool! My friend reports that he also ripped some Britney Spears' posters off his wall - for which I am secretly thankful).

Anyway, a few months ago a friend of mine, whom I've previously described as a slimy bastard, gave me a documentary called "The Root of All Evil?", a Channel 4 (England) documentary by Richard Dawkins. I found the two part episode simply enlightening. Not because it strongly vilified organized religion, but because it illustrated, in great detail, the flaws that religion has picked up over the millennia of human history.

Now I don't support abolishing religion like some of you would, I am sure. But I want it to function the way it was originally intended by the Creator. Ever heard this lyrics?
"You gave me life
Now show me how to live" - Audioslave
That's the original intention. As a divine guidance, probably because we humans are too damn stupid to function as proper beings alone, and eventually fall into despair because our thoughts are always somehow mingled with our inevitable mortality. (According to anthropologists, this is how primitive pagan religions surfaced - out of our collective paranoia). Needless to say, religion, like their accompanying holy scriptures, has fallen into the intended dirty hands of Man, who has crafted it to benefit his own needs over time. Dominance, through any means possible; politics, wealth and even warfare. No price is too great to extend our own dominion, to inflict our faith even on those who reject it. Welcome to Organized religion.

The following animation from depicts the rise and expansion of all modern faiths. After viewing it, I realized that the ancient world remained in relative tranquility, even with a handful of different faiths. (Most are obviously not shown here). Only in the last two millennia did religious conflicts arise, which I imagine must have lead to a lot of human suffering. Human Suffering. Just two words to most of us. Its hard to grasp a full understanding of this concept unless you are starving for three days because of some religious war or just had both your parents beheaded right in front of you by a heartless crusader. If you do understand it, you would share my contempt too. All in the name of God, right?

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Blogger Unknown said...

Are you saying Islam is not a good thing?

9:26 AM, December 22, 2006  
Blogger f1x4n said...

I didn't say Islam or any religion for that matter is a "bad thing". Just that they all appear to be flawed in their current state.

3:22 PM, December 22, 2006  
Blogger Simon said...

Wonderful stuff.

The thing about mullahs and their extreme conservative attitude is hypocritical at best.

For example, why do they actually use modern technology - mobile phones, radio, tv, motorcycles, cars - which I might add are largely inventions of the christian west?

I suppose they are ganeemaa mudhaa?

7:36 PM, December 22, 2006  
Blogger f1x4n said...

I don't agree with Simon that Extremist use of those things that you call Christian Inventions reflect their hypocrisy (which is universally present in everyone, in varying degrees right?) Just their willingness to accept convenience. That is unless you know something about them that I don’t. 

7:39 AM, December 24, 2006  
Blogger Bakhabaru said...

Cool map! Interesting, to say the least.

I also watched The Root of All Evil and it was actually kind of an eye opener, especially the part where the Jew turned Muslim radical swore to conquer the whole world and wrap all women in black.

You might be interested in Dawkin's book, The God Delusion, where he promotes Atheism. It is very interesting to read once you get past the part where he rants against organized religion and eventually starts talking science.

You gotta love our Mullahs. Not an active brain cell among the lot of them. Just content to throw the whole book at you as soon as they find themselves on a shaky philosophical ledge.

I remember I kept asking one of them to show me proof, or at least a reasonably logical argument, to prove to me that what they were saying made sense, and they kept quoting translated Quranic verses which I told them I couldn't accept since there were too many variations of the same verse. Needless to say, it went nowhere and by the end he seemed to be half-expecting me to get smote with a lighting bolt.

It's enlightening to start a debate with them because it immediately becomes apparent that they have no idea what they are saying just parroting what they have been told to believe without questioning it or even thinking about it. I guess that's the requisite for joining.

5:46 PM, March 27, 2007  
Blogger f1x4n said...

Thanks for the reference Bakhabaru, if you have the e-book, do mail it to me sometime.

I have a mullah friend of mine who I like to discuss religion with regularly. He swears that he hasn't been brainwashed by his peers into turning a more radical new leaf, but I have a hard time believing him, considering his opinions on some stuff. Just the other night we were discussing the treatment of women in contemporary Islamic societies, and his attitude was ticking me off. He insisted not only on being their superior (androcentrism) but also on belittling and patronizing them. Apparently, if they can't get a grown woman to bend in to their will (on whatever grounds) they are even allowed to inflict corporal punishment. Understandably, I was really pissed off by this revelation but I persisted that he morally justify his stupendous claim. And you know what he gave me? Some obscure prophetic narration! I argued long into the evening, trying to make him instill even an ounce of logic into this apparently concrete belief of his, but as you can imagine, he wasn't able to do that. Just kept on relating tradition, oblivious to the fact that history has proven many a tradition to be plainly barbaric.

Something else you said in your last comment got me thinking about another irritating attitude of my friend (and all conservative hotheads). When we were reaching the end of our discussion that night, he began to look at me... sympathetically, as he was visualizing me 'burning like charcoal' in where he concluded I was going to end up in. Of course, he was quite vocal about me not being a proper moslem, which I've heard so many times before, I no longer even try to defend myself though I snap back sometimes asking them "Are you the one who gave me life? Are you the one who I pray to or not? Are you the one who will decide, if there is an afterlife, to condemn me for eternity or grant me infinite bliss? Who the fucking hell are you to judge ME or this sacred relation I CHOOSE to or NOT to have with GOD?". That usually shuts them up.

Its really sad the way they absorb and embrace whatever that is thrown at them, even if it is savagery guised as religious dogmas. I mean think about the honor killings in some Moslem communities. These people kill their womenfolk for such trifle matters as talking to someone out of wedlock, and they do (and justify) this based on the 'religious guidance' given by barely literate scholars.

9:01 PM, March 27, 2007  
Blogger Bakhabaru said...

Ah a fellow e-book reader, eh? No problem. I will email it to you.

Your Haabee friend sounds just like any other Haabee. Not brainwashed? It could be true; they would need one to wash to begin with.

8:18 AM, March 28, 2007  

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