Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Gift or curse? You decide

Since I am somewhat of an early bird I tend to watch a little TV before I begin my day and this morning I had just parked myself in front of the tube with a glass of warm milk when I landed on the local propaganda machine (actually the only machine with the license to pollute our airwaves). The airing program was showing nature videos and the narration goes "The Earth with its vastness was created for only us, Humans. Its constituent rivers, ponds and oceans were created to quench our thirst. The firmness of the ground is just for us to trod on...". The program had the conspicuous undertones of TVM's famed religious documentaries so I decided to linger on for a while to catch the Koranic or Prophetic quote justifying this stupendous claim. Guess what? There were none! I am guessing that someone just woke up and realized all that for the benefit of us all.

Humans undoubtedly have the most power as it is well within their limits to either destroy their planet or to restore it to its former paradisaical glory. Our actions does have a higher impact than any other creature's but this doesn't mean we are the most important. It seems the higher a species is on the food chain, the less important it is for the survival of that chain. Scientists agree that we have virtually left the food chain and would not create a missing link if we are to go extinct for any reason. In other words, we are expendable in nature. Remove all humans (yes, all 6.5 billion of them) from the face of the Earth today and its biosphere will continue thriving with diversity and abundance. On the other hand, remove all the insects or the trees and life itself will come to a screeching halt. They deserve to gloat, if only they were capable of doing so.

I am disappointed to know that despite having all that power ot make a difference, the only thing we seem to do (without hindrance) is parade around thinking about our extremely confined self-centric universe, completely oblivious to our minisculity in a grand cosmic scale. As if it is not enough that we plunder the Earth and wipe out whole species in the process. There is genuine concern for our planet though (Kyoto protocol? Nope, thats just a joke by the industrialized nations) and I feel obliged to thank them all for their efforts.

Oh, and I just realized this. If we are God's gift to anything (the belief at least in the part of the word that I reside in) it would definately have to be arrogance and ignorance.

“The Earth does not belong to us, we belong to the Earth. Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.”
- Ted Perry (attributed to Chief Seattle c. 1786)

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Blogger Thoriq said...

Well put my man. It's sad the way we intepret the Koran and the prophet; just to suit us.

9:06 AM, January 09, 2007  
Blogger FehiNoo said...

This is how HIV got invented u knw

12:54 PM, January 10, 2007  
Blogger psyph said...

Ahhh words, such wonderful things twist em, turn em, re-shape em, bend em and basically do what ever you want with em.....no one notices the true meanings are lost unless they appear to be broken.

4:52 PM, January 10, 2007  
Blogger hamzah said...

If there is a God it has the attention span of a goldfish and the intelligence of moth. Or it doesn't care. Or it's like this humongous unchaperoned baby in a playpen. Take that country and bash it into the ground. Take this river and swallow it whole.

5:16 PM, January 10, 2007  
Blogger f1x4n said...

You seem to be uncertain about the existence of God, Hamza, but since a lot of people believe that He does in fact exist and retains omnipotence, I'd watch what I say about Him. Doubt He takes sass from a mere mortal kindly. Don't say I didn't warn you if you wake up one fine morning and find an entire country wedged up your 'where the sun doesn't shine'. LOL. Kidding.

6:22 PM, January 10, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i mean theres no doubt we are liable and answerable to our actions...but puting god in the euation all the time is our way of an excuse..

9:37 AM, January 30, 2007  
Blogger Bakhabaru said...

Call me crazy but despite the overwhelming evidence that we humans now have the power to destroy our planet, I don't think we can. Sure we might manage to exterminate ourselves but destroying the earth seems a feat that even us mighty mortals might find difficult to accomplish. Whatever we do, I think the earth will eventually recover. Or am I just reiterating what you said? heheh

11:19 PM, March 28, 2007  

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